Postdoc, 2022 - Present
Instituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC)
Valencia, Spain
PhD in Physics (summa cum laude), 2019 - 2022
Universität Hamburg and DESY
Hamburg, Germany
I am fascinated by the interplay between particle physics and cosmology, particularly the physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM) in the early Universe and how we can explore it. Specifically, I am interested in studying the gravitational wave (GW) background from primordial sources such as cosmic strings, domain walls, inflationary quantum fluctuations, first-order phase transitions, and axions.
My research also focuses on BSM physics that can lead to a non-standard cosmic history beyond radiation domination at energy scales above MeV unto Planck scale. My past works include exploring the intermediate kination era from rotating axions and the early matter domination from heavy particles and primordial black holes.
In addition to my theoretical research, I am involved in several projects related to GW detections through pulsar timing arrays and GW background reconstruction with the upcoming observatories. I am also part of the LISA cosmology working group and the Einstein Telescope collaboration.