Investigadora Científica, - Present
IFIC Paterna, Valencia, Spain
PhD in Physics, 1999 - 2002
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Valencia, Spain
Olga Mena is “Investigadora Científica” at CSIC. Her main fields of research are cosmology and astroparticle physics, focusing particularly on the role of neutrinos shaping our universe. She has four “sexenios” and also 5 “quinquenios” of research. Mena is currently supervising 3 PhD thesis and two Mater Thesis, and in the past she has been the supervisor of 5 PhD Thesis, 7 Master Thesis, 6 students in " Prácticas Externas" and three undegraduate final research projects. She has also mentored a number oif students in the context of MagnIFICa, a mentoring program of IFIC. The total number of citations is 27509. The number of publications is 244, with a mean number of citations per publication 112.7. Her h index is 76 (Inspires, 29/04/2024). She is co-IP of two national projects GRAMOLA (ASFAE/2022/020 (Planresilencia)), and SOM (PID2020‐113644GB‐I00, MICIN (3 años). In the past, she has been co-IP of two national projects of three years funding (SOM FPA 2017-85985-P and SOM FPA 2014-57816-P, and also PI of the CSIC membership within the European Project of 4 year InvisiblesPlus, leading the research team of IFIC (CSIC-UV) within this context. Mena is also the Science Communicator Coordinator of the European Project COST (CA21106, 4 años) y the main responsible of the outreach activities of two european projects, ASYMMETRY HORIZON-MSCA-2021-SE-01 (4 years) and HIDDeN ITNH2020-MSCA-ITN-2019 (4 years) and in the past she was also the outreach leader of the projects H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015//674896-ELUSIVES (4 years) and FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN, PITN-GA-2011-289442-INVISIBLES (4 years). Olga Mena was a CSIC “Ramón y Cajal” researcher, after two postdoctoral positions: one of 2 years in The University of Rome under an ITN Marie Curie Fellowshio, and another one of 3 years in the Fermilab National Laboratory in Illinois, USA. Mena performed her PhD studies at UAM, Madrid, obtaining her PhD in Theoretical Physics in 2002 under the supervision of Prof. Belén Gavela. She was awarded the Excellence PhD Prize. She has been member of a number of international collaborations, such as BOSS (in the context of the SDSS III galaxy survey) and she is currently a member of SKA (the largest radio telescope in the world in the future) and of the DUNE experiment, that will measure the CP violating phase and the neutrino mass hierarchy. She has actively organized more than 25 international conferences and workshops and she has figen more than 50 talks (many of them invited plenary talks) and seminars at international conferences, workshops and universities. Mena has also given lectures in more than 7 PhD international schools. Mena is also an editor of the International journal “Physics of the Dark Universe”.
Concerning outreach and dissemination activities, She is the head of the Outreach activities of IFIC since 2019, co-author of two chapters of the “Libros Blancos Desafíos Científicos 2030 del CSIC” and she has been involved in many dissemination activities closely related to the children and the women roles in science. She plays also a major role in outreach activities devoted to High School teachers and students and she has been a key member of the project “Recordando a Lise”, that aims to revive the very important role of former women scientists via the Lise Meitner career and. She also has been acrtively involved in all CSIC outreach activities (11F WINS CSIC of BeCSIC) and also in TV shows, radio and journal interviews and in talks at museums, science fests and observatories.