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Gravitational waves after the first detections

Trobada 2017/2018 
 29 09 2017 11:30
IFIC Seminar Room (Paterna)
Valeria Ferrari
Università di Roma "La Sapienza"
The recent detection by the LIGO interferometers of the gravitational wave signals emitted by coalescing compact binaries provide an entirely new instrument to observe and investigate the universe we live in, challenging or confirming our beliefs on several crucial issues: how does gravity behave in the strong field regime, as near a black hole horizon, how does matter behave at the supranuclear densities which are typical of the inner core of neutron stars; how do gravitating structures evolve to form compact objects which eventually produce binary coalescence as those which have been, or will be, observed.  These and other issues, will be illustrated and discussed.

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  • 29 09 2017 11:30

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